Flawthentic ME

054: Healing from Within with Paola Rosser - Part 2

Sunny Lamba

Have you ever felt paralyzed by fear or ensnared in a cycle of destructive relationships? In this episode, my guest Paola Rosser joins us to unravel the threads of her own harrowing narrative, one that saw her transcend a history of loss, abuse, and the search for self-worth.
Her raw and evocative story exposes the wounds inflicted by toxic connections and the profound journey towards healing, serving as a beacon for those navigating the treacherous waters of personal transformation.

This is a two-part series and in this second part, Paola shared her healing journey and finding self-love within. 

Meet Paola Rosser, the down-to-earth force behind the Fearless Female Movement. As the founder and CEO, she's driven by a mission to dismantle the chains of fear imposed by old ideologies and the subconscious mind.  Paola employs a unique blend of coaching and subconscious healing that helps women overcome their past challenges and embrace their inner power. With Emotion & Body Code as her compass, Paola leads women on a healing journey enabling them to emerge as fearless architects of their destinies.

You can connect with Paola through her Instagram
Listen to her podcast "Journey of a Fearless Female" here.

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Sunny Lamba:

This is part two of a two part podcast series and we are talking to Paola Rozer. This is Flawthentic Me, a self-love podcast for South Asian women, a place where we celebrate self-love even when we feel imperfect or flawed. A safe space where you can be raw, real and authentic. And here's your host, self-love and mindset coach, sunny Lamba. Welcome back. This is your host, sunny Lamba, and I am talking to Paola Rozer. In part one, we heard Paola's story of growing up and feeling unloved, unworthy, and in this episode we're going to dig deep into her healing journey. And we talked about so many cold wounds already, but do you want to talk more on that? Like, what are the cold wounds here in play?

Paola Rosser:

Yeah, they're still feeling not good enough and unworthy, and it's when it's from your childhood.

Paola Rosser:

It's deep-seated, and I've gone through so much healing guys. I've done so much since then, but this was the beginning of the beginning. Beginning, I feel like, because when I talk about your healing journey, I didn't really start healing. So even though I got the book in 2008, I don't think my life really started to turn around until 35. So 35 years of my life I still allowed that record to play. You're not good enough, you're not worthy. So now I'm newly married to my husband, so it only been like two years. So I've only been on my journey for two years. So, if you think about it, the wisdom that I had to ignore that record was only two years. So I've had this negativity in my life that's literally poisoned every cell for 35 years. So that's why I tell people when they're going through their healing journey and they're like, oh my God, but I've already read the books, I've already done it. I was like, yeah, but you've only been doing this for a year Exactly. You've been in this pain for 35 or 40 or 50 or 60 years. Give yourself grace, lady.

Paola Rosser:

It is not something as simple like, oh, I read a book or I went to five therapy sessions and boom, I'm saved. That's the reason why church never really worked for me. I felt like because I said the Lord's Prayer, I got baptized. Yes, I felt great in the moment and that day, but, like I said, with alcohol and with friends and everything, my church members weren't there in the dark of the night. They weren't in my home when I was contemplating suicide. They weren't picking up the phone when I was desperate for answers, because they too are just as lost as we are. This is why, in that moment when I threw it away, I still needed to do more work. Even now, I've been on my healing journey for God. I don't even know how many years. I can't do the math. I still do the work every single day.

Sunny Lamba:

You've got to continue doing that.

Paola Rosser:

Every single day, because we are like onions, layers and layers, years and years and years of traumatic and painful events that you think, oh, I've already worked on that Also. The universe shows you another way of a trigger and then you're like, oh wait, I have to work on this again because that's what school is about. Life is school. I feel like we're here to learn and evolve and grow. I don't think anyone really graduates until we go to the other side, until we literally go to the other side.

Paola Rosser:

In that moment when I threw it away, I did still have the feelings of I'm not worthy. They weren't as loud because I had a wonderful husband and partner who was my cheerleader and was like you could do it. I still didn't believe it in myself. You could have as many cheerleaders in your life, but if you personally do not believe that you're good enough or worthy to do anything or deserving of something, you are going to self-sabotage. That's what I did. I threw it in the trash.

Paola Rosser:

Then, fast forward the same doctor had an event and Las Vegas where he invited way more people like over a thousand people, I think. My husband was supposed to speak on stage about his book and about Kajabi and about all these things. He comes up to me and he says do you mind if I introduce you to the group? It's mostly a female audience. I think you would be an inspiration to them. I was like, oh, it's so sweet, dr V, of course I'm thinking he's going to introduce me as this is Pail Rosser, travis Rosser's wife. She's just like the backbone of this museum man, whatever. No, he calls me up to stage and I'm standing in front of all these women and some men. Lights are bright in my face. I have a microphone in my hand. He is saying this is Pail LaRosser. She's the founder and CEO of the Fearless Female Movement. She has a podcast. She's helping women, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like what? The? I felt like it. Who?

Sunny Lamba:

are you talking about?

Paola Rosser:

Well, I felt naked because I'm like I shared that with you in confidence at the mastermind, but I am forever thankful that he pushed me out of the boat and into the water Because he did that. I can't tell you how many women came to me after that because people were like in droves, you know, asking my husband to sign the book and, to you know, take a picture. But there were several women that came to me and said I would love to be on your podcast, are you coaching? I would love to work with you, and some of those women are actually still working with me and are still my clients to this day. But that was like a big kick in my ass, was like I have to help others. And for anyone who is listening and you've been through the dark night of the soul and you've done the work and you know how to get to the light it is your job as a human on this earth to go back and get the other souls that are lost in the darkness, to bring them to the light, whatever their journey is, whether it is to get out of a narcissistic relationship, whether it is to get out of debt, whether it is to go through the journey of finding another job and you know how to find another job, or whether it is the journey of, like, getting pregnant or going through a divorce, whatever it is that you have been through, and you have the tools and you know what to do. It is your job as a human, as a light in this world, to go back and help those that are in the darkness, and that's what I feel like. I was like okay, I'm all in. I started my podcast called Journey of a Fearless Female four years ago. I have over 60,000 downloads to this day. I just checked I had 3,000 downloads in this month. Like, it's just like a constant. It's growing. My YouTube channel is growing. I just got a message that I have over 250,000 views. I have over 25,000 followers on TikTok.

Paola Rosser:

I didn't start in like in the beginning it was just a small little Facebook group where I would just talk to certain people. I learned by repetition. I got the courage to get on camera. I got the courage to speak my mind and the wisdom that I would learn. Like, I tell people, I'm not a guru, I'm not a healing master. I am learning from others and I am here to teach you what I am learning and I tell people all the time the cosmic joke is you think you know it all, but you don't. You really don't. Nobody knows it all Not the priests, not the pastors, not your teachers, not anybody. Nobody knows it all until we cross over. But it is our job as humans to continue to light up other people's souls and that is our job as coaches, as humans, and I love what I do and I've just recently been double certified as an emotion and body code practitioner.

Sunny Lamba:

But I'm not a perfect timing because I was going to ask you. I just saw that on your page and I was like I have to ask you this. So tell me, what is a emotion and body code coach? Like what do you do?

Paola Rosser:

Well, it's a subconscious healing modality and before I tell you about emotion and body code, I want to tell you all the things that I have done to try to heal, because I had that loud voice in the back of my mind that says there's something inherently wrong with you. You're broken, nobody wants you. I did go through like all the healing modalities and I want to tell you, if you're listening to this and you feel those feelings of feeling broken, unwanted, unlovable, undeserving, like there's something inherently wrong with you. First of all, you're not broken, you just need to find the light. And I was struggling to look for the light. I went to church and I couldn't find it there. Don't get me wrong. I had a lot of beautiful moments with God, source, the Divine, at church, but I also wanted more, and so I went to float tanks. I did acupuncture, I did tuning forks, I did psychedelics, I did all kinds of shamanic healers. I did everything EMDR therapy. I've done RTT, which is Rapid Transformational Therapy by Marissa Peer. I mean I've done what's the other one? Somatic healing. I've done Reiki. I've done it all. Okay, reiki, I didn't feel anything. I did a float tank. I almost had a panic attack in there I felt like I was going to be drowning.

Paola Rosser:

I mean, try it when you're on your healing journey and it's personal, like it really truly is, like I truly believe that God is Light Source, the Divine. And when people say in the Christian world, like it's a personal relationship with Jesus or God Source, whatever you want to call it, I think it has a sense of humor. Sometimes I even call it Yoda. Like you know, it's your own personal relationship with this Source, with this Divine, unconditional love, and so look for it everywhere and if it feels right, go with it. If it doesn't feel right, then don't do it, because I mean I've hired some healers that were just like saying some weird stuff and I'm like this does not feel like it's in alignment with me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. So I just stopped. But yeah, I tried it all and one day we were flying to Nashville and my husband, we were big on Tony Robbins. I did all of Tony Robbins. That's how I got certified to be a coach. I did all of Tony Robbins. Events date with Destiny, life and wealth.

Sunny Lamba:

UPW yeah.

Paola Rosser:

UPW. I walked on Hot Kohl's you too. I went to Fiji, his island, and did life and wealth mastery, like I've done Leadership Academy. I've done it all with Tony Robbins, and I was a huge Tony Robbins fan at the time. I still am. I love Tony Robbins. He's very masculine, so if that's not the type of energy you like, then I understand. But, like I said, everyone has something that will speak and resonate with them, and for me at the time it was Tony Robbins.

Paola Rosser:

And my husband gave me a book called the Emotion Code and the person that wrote the forward of the Emotion Code was Tony Robbins. So I was like, oh okay, I'm going to read this book. It's by Dr Bradley Nelson and he talked in the book about how he's a chiropractor and he was making adjustments on people and you notice that, no matter how many adjustments he made, these people were still complaining about ailments and pain and they were still suffering from headaches or grinding their teeth or lower back pain, and so he just continued to pray and ask source for more guidance. He's like I don't understand, why is this still working? Can you show me and he got shown in different ways that magnets actually can help realign our energetic body and that our energetic body is constantly holding on to these negative trapped emotions or misalignments in our body that are causing this extra pain. And so I'm like this is cool, because at this point I had already been coaching, but I could coach these women and then they would still have these like pains and ailments and negatively charged emotions.

Paola Rosser:

I, too, had the same problem. You know where I would be like why am I triggered? Why I've done the work, I've read the books, I've journaled, I meditated why am I still feeling this way? And so I, when we got back from Nashville, the first thing I did was Google Emotion Code, body Code Practitioner and Elsa showed up. Elsa and I are still friends to this day and I booked like a free intro session with her and she's just an incredible human Like. Even though it was supposed to be like a 15 minute intro session, she spent like an hour with me and she did an entire session and she released 15 negative trapped emotions all around, like rejection and fear and anxiety, feeling unloved, abandonment, all these negatively trapped emotions that were, and I kid you not, I felt as if my heart had just lightened up. I felt like if you've ever had anxiety where your heart feels like it's being cramped. You know, in that moment, when she was releasing these 15 negative trapped emotions, my heart just felt release.

Sunny Lamba:


Paola Rosser:

And I felt so much lighter and I told my husband oh, you have to try this. And my husband too had been going to EMDR sessions and, you know, doing all kinds of like healing on his own because he had his own childhood wounds and his own stuff that he wanted to go through and we had been fighting a lot bickering about little things, you know. And then he did a session and they released 10 trapped emotions from him. I kid you not, sunny, we did not fight for two months.

Sunny Lamba:

That is just so amazing.

Paola Rosser:

No arguments, no triggering. We didn't fight for two months and we're like sign us up. We bought a package of six and then she went on and got her body code certification. And then it was like, oh, you have, you know, misalignment here or your body's deficient in this vitamin. And the more that she did stuff with me, the more that I was real. I mean, I signed up for package after package and then just recently, this year so we've I've been doing emotion and body code sessions with her since 2017. I got my emotion code certification in 2019.

Paola Rosser:

And then, just recently, my husband had a heart attack and the fear that overwhelmed my body about leaving my home and leaving my husband alone, like was just enormous. Like I couldn't go for my daily walk, I couldn't go to the grocery store. Every time my husband was downstairs I was like Travis, travis, where are you? Like, are you okay? Like just the fear, because my husband actually did pass away during his heart attack and it was just. It was a very traumatic and emotional event.

Paola Rosser:

And so I called up Elsa and I said I need a body code session. I was like I can't deal with this and she was like, okay, okay, I'm going to do an emergency session for you. And then she was like I'm actually going to be in Orange County, do you want to meet with me in Laguna Beach? So we met in Laguna Beach and she did an emotion code and body code session on me. But she also said, paola, how come you never got your body code certification? You should just be able to do this on your own, on yourself. And I said you know what I just never did? Because I just again didn't feel like I was good enough.

Paola Rosser:

And she's like, oh, paola, you've got to do more sessions on yourself. She's like you have to release these negative, trapped emotions that are in your psyche, that are holding you back. And I was like you're right. And so I remember going home and she was telling me how much she makes as a body code, emotion code practitioner. Because she says I literally have people on my calendar every single day, all the time. And I was just like, yeah, she's blowing smoke up my ass. I didn't believe her, right.

Paola Rosser:

And I went home and I was like, talking to my spiritual guides and my mentors, that I, like I pray and I'm always like God, source, the divine, my highest self, my spiritual guides, my ancestors, tell me what I'm supposed to do. Like, am I supposed to sign up to be a body code certified coach? Like am I supposed to do this work? You know, and I would go to sleep because I have very vivid dreams. I didn't dream anything, I didn't have a sign. So I was like, ok, maybe, maybe you don't want me to do this. Like, so I was telling my husband that morning I'm really, you know, debating about doing body code certification and he goes you should do that. It's right up your alley. And I was like, but it's like this much money and it's just so much time. And my husband was like, who cares about the money? Just go with something that like lights up your soul. You should do it. And I was like, yeah, but I just she told me she makes this much money a month and I just don't believe her. And in that moment, this is how beautiful the universe is.

Paola Rosser:

In that moment, I get a text message from Elsa, and Elsa and our friends were really great friends Back then. We weren't like text messaging friends, we just like would talk whenever I had an emotion or body code session. And she text messages me at that moment and it's a screenshot of how much she made in that PayPal month. And I was like this is a sign that she wasn't like why, out of all the things, like, like I said, we're not really close friends, so for her to send me a screenshot of how much she made, like it shows a trust and also it's like the universe needed to prove and to validate that this is a real way of not only helping others, but it's a you know, it's a real income. Like don't, don't think that you're just doing this stuff for free, like you're going to make money and you're going to help people. And so I signed up. I got my body code certification. In order to get your certification you have to do 72 or 57. I don't remember the number. But free sessions on people and I sent out an email blast to my list and my calendar was full. Like the very next day I wake up and it was like session, session, session, session, and I was like oh my gosh, and I was freaking out.

Paola Rosser:

But what I love about body code is that you start with a prayer and Dr Bradley Nelson says that you always ask source the divine for guidance, god, and ask Jesus like help me, you're the healer of all healers, help me, guide me, to help find whatever it is blocking them. And what the the practice is is you're basically asking permission of the client to tap into their subconscious mind. Now the subconscious mind is a record keeper of everything that's ever happened to you in your life Everything. It's like picture a huge filing cabinet and it has every file from every year and in that year file it has everything that's ever happened to you and with every action event in your life there's an emotion attached to it, but 80 to 90%, especially if you grew up in a traumatic life or you have traumatic events in your life, like a breakup or divorce, or you were, you know, sexually assaulted or you just you know all these things. Or maybe you were made fun of at school or you were bullied. Like you said earlier, you know you were the darker skin sister, so you had these things. Every event has an emotion attached to it.

Paola Rosser:

So most of our files are filled with negative emotions, especially if you have way more trauma, way more negative events, and you store that. And the reason why the subconscious stores that is because it's like oh, I don't want to feel this feeling of humiliation. I don't ever want to feel this feeling of abandonment. I never want to feel this feeling of unloved. I never want to feel this feeling of rejection. So I'm going to hold on to this Because then I will remember. So the next time this comes up in my life, I will pull the file and be like nope, and guess what, when you're doing that, you're being triggered, so like if you're a person that's constantly being triggered by the person at target, or the person on the freeway, or your husband is pissing you off or your friend is just getting under your skin.

Paola Rosser:

You need a body code session because we could pull all those files and release the negative emotions using magnets. I know it sounds really woo-woo and, trust me, even I had my own doubts, but it works. And after having done over 57 or 72, I don't know the number exactly sessions I have seen miraculous things like and I'll share a couple with you. So, for example, and I'm doing muscle testing the whole time so basically I ask permission to tap into your subconscious mind and then you give me permission and I do it by muscle testing. So if Sunny said I give you permission, then I would be using my hands to say am I sunny? I am sunny, I am sunny Until my hands say yes, you're connected to Sunny. And then, once I'm connected, then I'll ask source the divine to guide me. I pray before and I pray after and the read, and I usually do it out loud now, because I had a client in the beginning who was like I think you're doing the devil's work.

Sunny Lamba:


Paola Rosser:

I don't want to do my second and third session, and so I said you know, from now on I'm going to pray out loud, so they know that I'm not praying to like any demonic.

Sunny Lamba:

To the devil.

Paola Rosser:

And I'm like you know me, girl, like we've been friends for years. You know you watch my TikToks. You know that I'm not from that side. So, okay, fine, whatever, I'm not going to pressure you into doing this. So now I pray out loud, so I ask source, the divine, and I always say Jesus, huey name, like show me where these you know guide me. And then I start asking questions, and Dr Bradley Nelson has done this countless times. So he's developed a chart that it's just got every single thing and it's constantly evolving and growing. It's now an app, which is great, because when I first started doing Emotion Code back in 2018, 19, it was like an actual piece of paper. But now I have an actual app.

Paola Rosser:

And so you basically are asking the subconscious mind is it a right, is it in the left? And the subconscious mind only knows yes or no question, yes or no Right. So I'll ask is do you have, you know, negative trap to emotions or any misalignments or any imbalances in your body that may be fill in the blank. So, whatever you're coming to me to work on let's say, you're working on your money blocks, or you're working on your anger towards your mom, or you're working on feeling lost or depressed or feeling rejection, or maybe you just got a divorce and you don't know how to handle the betrayal, like. So I will ask your subconscious mind is there any blocks, misalignments, ailments, anything that is blocking you? Like, what is it that's causing you this pain? Like, show me. So then I'll ask the subconscious mind is it on the right or is it on the left? And then I'll go down the chart and then I'll pinpoint it and figure it out, and then I'll ask so let's say, Sonny's 40 years old, did it happen before the age of 40 or after the age of 40? Did it happen before the age of 20, before the age of 30, before the age of 10, until I get to the number where it says, okay, it's 15.

Paola Rosser:

So I've had clients who are, like you know, at the age of 17,. They trap the negative emotion of humiliation and they'll say, well, I don't remember 17. I don't know why I would have trapped it. And in that moment sometimes I feel things in my body and my practitioner, elsa, who is also the person that teaches me and, like I, ask her a billion questions because she's been doing it longer than me, she'll tell me if you feel anything in your own body, say it out loud, because it might mean something to the person you're connected to. So in that moment I said my legs feel really tingly, I don't know why I'm feeling this. And she said oh, I remember now when I was 17 years old I was on a swim team and I had fat legs and every time I would take off my towel the girls would make fun of me and that is the reason why she trapped the negative emotion of humiliation.

Paola Rosser:

I had another lady who was molested when she was 11 years old by her uncle and she's now in her 60s. So her uncles passed away and a lot of the people that were involved meaning like she told her aunt. The aunt was like how dare you speak of your uncle that way? You know she's actually on my podcast. You could listen to her episode.

Paola Rosser:

Her name is Cheryl and she did some sessions with me and she by the second session she said we lifted a lot of negative trapped emotions that she stored in her uterus and her root chakra, a lot of things she said. That night she went to bed and she had the most vivid dream of all the people that were involved that hurt her during the time that she was trying to tell her story of being molested by this guy came to her and she said she remembers it was. She's like oh so vivid. I was sitting on a bench at a beautiful park and all these people kept trying came coming to me and saying I'm so sorry I did this to you. I'm so sorry, please forgive me, please let it go, I'm so sorry you no longer have to carry this.

Paola Rosser:

She said she couldn't speak. She couldn't rebuttal or be defensive or be angry. She just couldn't speak. She just had to hear every single person come and tell her that they were sorry. She said she woke up in a cold sweat but she had never felt so light. She was like, as it was so like freeing to finally let go of all this anger, bitterness, hatred, and it was all stored in her, you know, root chakra and her uterus, and it was just like these amazing moments. I there. You could even do it on pets.

Sunny Lamba:

This sounds like so you said woo, woo, but it sounds magical, like it sounds magical.

Paola Rosser:

It is. It is incredible. It's such a great, it's amazing healing modality. I'm so thankful that I found it.

Sunny Lamba:

Congratulations that you've done your body and emotion code both, and I'm so intrigued so you know, maybe I need one, I want to move on and at the end I love to do a rapid fire round with all my guests. So are you ready for that? This is going to be fun.

Paola Rosser:

I mean I'm ready.

Sunny Lamba:

I just took some water Okay. So we'll start with some small stuff and then maybe, maybe, get a bit deeper. Okay, I think I know the answer of the first one, but let's go beach or mountain Beach. Yeah, I knew that. I knew that. Give me a snapshot of an ordinary moment in your life which brings you great joy. Watching the sunset oh, I know it's so magical A concert you'll never forget, I would have to say Mariah Carey.

Paola Rosser:

I was always drawn to her music when I was younger because her soul was very heartbroken and tumultuous and I always resonated with a lot of her songs. But yeah, when I finally could afford to go see her, it was the most magical experience. A book you recommend all the time. The Untethered Soul. Oh, I love that one. I love it. But I also just read this recently and I think everyone should read it. It's called Dying to Be Me by Anita Murjani. It's a must-read.

Sunny Lamba:

Yeah, I follow Anita Murjani and I know her whole story of near-death experience and actually she actually died and came back. I'm fascinated.

Paola Rosser:

I read her book this year or last year, fascinated by near-death experiences. I've been down that rabbit hole and I just love the way she describes it.

Sunny Lamba:

Are you an early bird or night owl? A night owl, yeah, even though you were sleeping at 4pm in that one year of your sabbatical.

Paola Rosser:

I used to be an early bird. I used to do CrossFit at 5.30am when I used to work corporate. But now that I'm an entrepreneur, I'm like you know what? I've always wanted to sleep in without an alarm, and that's actually one of the things I wrote in one of my lists. It's like I want to have a job or a business where I just set my own hours and so I'm thankful that I don't have to sleep with an alarm.

Paola Rosser:

I was just telling my husband too. I was like I'm so thankful I don't have any kids either, because nobody's waking me up at 5 or 6 or 7.

Sunny Lamba:

Soul sisters, girls, soul sisters. When I quit my job and I said I want to start a business, one of the reasons my wife was that I want to sleep in.

Paola Rosser:

Yes, I love sleep because I have vivid dreams. It's like I go to a whole other dimension, so I love sleeping.

Sunny Lamba:

Oh gosh, I feel like you and I are definitely soul sisters. My husband always jokes that she lives an entire different life in the middle of the night because I have to host vivid dreams.

Paola Rosser:

We need to talk about our dreams.

Sunny Lamba:

I know and I started doing dream analysis and learning all about it and the symbols and all that I'm only doing it for my own dreams, but how many times my dreams have shown me things, my subconscious patterns, like I have learned from my dreams and it's just this, another magical world at night, and I love it. I love it.

Paola Rosser:

Oh my gosh, we really need to start like a group chat. You and I felt that. Yeah, because I have and I tell my husband my dreams and he's like but they weren't real. Like, why are you giving me all this detail? Like in my dream it felt like a real thing, like it literally feels like I live like a whole night, and I love when I could figure out that I'm actually dreaming, yeah, and I control those lucid dreams where you can control your dream are just wow, amazing.

Sunny Lamba:

And in our house, if I wake up and say, oh, my God, my dream, my son and my husband are like get the popcorn ready, let's sit. No, they actually want to listen to my son. Oh, really, tell us what happened, bring the popcorn.

Paola Rosser:

Oh my God, my husband never used to have dreams. It was really hard. He never had dreams he would actually would be, would be so mad he would be like I feel like I get jealous that you have these amazing dreams. But ever since this heart attack and he really feels like he had a complete reset because he died on the table and he was brought back to life he doesn't really remember much about his near death experience, other than he was in like a 1950s diner. He was like I was in the surgical room and then all of a sudden I was in a 1950s diner. He remember saying that God, it's too much pain, it's too much pain, I can't, I'm just going to rest a little bit. And as soon as he rested which basically he died he went into a 1950s diner and he was there for only like 30, 30 seconds and then he was brought back to life and the doctor even tells told me when he came into the waiting room he was like, how does that come back?

Paola Rosser:

But he's good and so and so yeah, but ever since he got his reset he's been having more dreams. It's pretty nuts.

Sunny Lamba:

Yeah, okay. So we have to talk about that in our chat again. There's so much in there and those who are listening I want to say this at the end also but go listen to her podcast so we can hear about all these stories in depth. But I have a couple more questions for you, okay. This one you already answered, so I'm going to pass that. If you could pass only one advice to the next generation, what would it be?

Paola Rosser:

To learn how to love yourself unconditionally. To truly learn how to love yourself without, like anybody else, telling you who you are, not your parents, not your friends, not an institution, not your church. To truly learn how to love yourself unconditionally because that's how God loves us. Source the divine. That's something that we, as humans, cannot understand or fathom, because with us, with humans, there's always conditions, and so if we could learn how to love ourselves away, source the divine light, love us, I mean we could conquer the world.

Sunny Lamba:

That is so beautiful. Last question the name of the podcast is Flawthentic Me, so fill in the blanks.

Paola Rosser:

I am Flawthentic because… Because I don't care anymore what people think of me.

Sunny Lamba:

I love it. Yes, yes, and that took a long time to figure out. It did take a long time. 35, and I'm not doing the math here, but another couple or something like that. Yes, love, love, love it. Thank you, so so so much. I'm so thankful for this conversation and our friendship.

Paola Rosser:

I met through Facebook guys like she was on a podcast we're on a Facebook podcast group and she said hey, I want to talk to someone about being on someone's podcast. I was like I would love to have you on my podcast. She came on my podcast and we just had just an incredible experience and I truly believe like there are no accidents in source and like there's no accidents and I'm we have so much parallels. Like you said, a lot of your story resonates with me and I know that a lot of my story resonates with you and I'm so beyond thankful that you're now in like my realm of knowing.

Sunny Lamba:

Yes, the same here and, as you said, it was meant to be At the end. I do want to say to everyone that Peola has a highly acclaimed podcast. It's called the journey of a fearless female. I was on there, so if you already listened to it, that's amazing. But go listen to the other episodes. You've had it for the last four years and about 61,000 downloads. I'm just so amazed by it and that's like my goal one day, not about like 60,000 or 70,000, but to have that podcast, that consistent podcast, where you're giving value and they can find you on every platform, but you're mostly hanging out on TikTok and that is at Peolapaolaroser. I will share all those links in the show notes. Thank you so so much. Any last words before we go?

Paola Rosser:

Just thank you so much for letting me be a part of your podcast. Thank you so much for creating a safe space to be able to tell my story and for those of you who are listening and the story resonates with you. You are not broken. You are loved beyond You're wildest dreams and there's always a way to heal all the areas where you think you're broken, because shine light in it, shine light in your darkness and if you need help, it's okay to ask for help. It's okay to go to therapy, it's okay to hire a coach, it's okay to read a book, it's okay to question all those old ideologies that were installed into your computer in the beginning of your years. So just start healing. Take the first step. Listening to this podcast is actually a good first step.

Sunny Lamba:

That was so beautiful, and on that note we're going to say bye. Thank you so much once again, and thank you to everyone who's listening. We will see you again next week. Until then, keep loving yourselves and stay Flawthentic.