Flawthentic ME

059: A Guided Visualization to Step into Your Power

Sunny Lamba Episode 59

In this episode of the "Flawthentic ME" podcast, Self-Love Coach, Sunny Lamba takes you on a guided visualization to your most powerful version. 

Put on your headphones, and go on this journey every morning before you start your day and at the end of the day. And you will embody a new Powerful version of YOU that is already there, but is muted down by your self-criticism. 
We are all trained to make ourselves small so that we are not a threat to those who have been playing small their entire life.  This visualization will instill a vibrant sense of self-worth in you as you metaphorically walk through fields of sun-kissed sunflowers, you'll feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the empowering hum of life, reminding you that your unique presence is a powerful force in this world.

This isn't just a meditation; it's a celebration of your inner power and an invitation to stand tall in your imperfections, wrapped in gratitude and the loving embrace of self-acceptance.


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Speaker 1:

I'm doing something very different on this episode. I am sharing a guided visualization or meditation to help you step into the most powerful version of you. So let's dive in. This is Flauthentic Me a self-love podcast for South Asian women. A place where we celebrate self-love even when we feel imperfect or flawed. A safe space where you can be raw, real and authentic. And here's your host, self-love and mindset coach, sunny Lamba. Hello, hello, my queens, let's do this. But before I start the guided visualization, I wanted to share that.

Speaker 1:

This is the visualization, or meditation, if you may, that I shared on my most recent women's circle. It was the Women Empowerment Circle, which we did in honor of International Women's Day. After we did this meditation, the participants were just feeling so much power and energy within them, and some of them told me that they could really feel the warmth of the sun and as you listen to this, you'll know why I'm talking about the sun here but they could feel the sun, they could feel the warmth and they could feel that as if they were really there. So when I got this feedback from everyone on the Women's Circle, I thought, hey, I gotta share this with you all, everyone who listens to my podcast, because I really, really am so grateful for you. There are more than 1 million podcasts, or maybe billion, and for you to take the time to come and listen to this podcast means a lot to me. So thank you, so, so, so much. If you are listening to this episode as you're driving because I know a lot of you listen to your podcasts while driving I want you to pause it right now. This is a meditation and I don't want you to listen to it when you're driving. That is not safe. So pause that and listen to it when you are in a comfortable position in your house or your office, or maybe out in the sitting in a park where you can really sit and meditate.

Speaker 1:

So now, my friends, let's get started on this powerful guided visualization. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position, placing your hands gently on your knees, palms and allow your eyes to close softly and take a deep, cleansing breath in and, as you exhale, release any tension or stress that you may be holding in your body. Once again, taking a deep breath in through your nose and letting go of any anxiety, worry, fear. One more deep breath in, breathing in love and power and joy and releasing the fears, the pain, the hurt and releasing the fears, the pain, the hurt. And now I want you to imagine a funnel of lavender energy on the top of your head. Imagine that this funnel is circling on the top of your head and this lavender energy is pouring down from the funnel on to your head. And as this lavender is coming down on your body, it's relaxing every part that it touches, part that it touches, coming down to your forehead, your temples, your eyes, your ears, and it's relaxing every part of your body as it touches it. Imagine the warmth of this energy. It's coming down to your nose, your upper lips, your cheeks, your lips, your chin Relax your jaw and it's coming down your neck and your shoulders. It's running down your arms, your elbows, your wrists, your hands and the tip of your fingers. It's coming down your chest, down to your upper belly, your navel and your lower belly. The lavender energy is going down your buttocks, your thighs, your knees, your lower legs, the calf muscles, the shins, your ankles and all the way down to the tip of your toes. And it's now just spilling around you onto the Mother Earth. And just imagine you, connected, grounded to the Mother Earth.

Speaker 1:

And now I want you to imagine that you're standing in the middle of a sunflower field and all around you it's a beautiful summer day, the Sun is warm and comforting, not too hot, just beautiful warmth of the Sun. Imagine those sun rays falling on your skin, the gentle, cool breeze touching your skin. Take in the colors of the flowers, the colors of the sky, the color of the leaves. Listen to the sounds around you. There's birds chirping, there's the sound of the breeze rustling through the leaves and the flowers. Each sunflower in the field is looking up towards the sun and as you look up, feel that energy of the sun filling you up, the powerful, bright, sunny energy. And remember, as you look at the sun, you can see the brightness of the sun, but the sun itself cannot see its own brightness. You are that sun, you are the sun and everyone around you can feel your glowing, bright energy, even when you don't see it. Fill yourselves up with that power that's coming through the sun to you. Feel it in your heart, in your body, as you're standing in that sunflower field, there's nothing holding you back. You are worthy, you are enough. In that sunflower field, there's nothing holding you back. You are worthy, you are enough. And as that Sun is filling you up with the energy.

Speaker 1:

I want you to put your right hand on your solar plexus, just right above your navel and right below your ribs. Bring your focus to that area just above your navel. This is the seat of your personal power and your confidence. As you breathe in, envision a glowing golden light coming out from this area, all the light that you consumed from the sun. It's just radiating out from your solar plexus, filling you up, filling every part of your body. This golden light grows brighter and stronger. It's filling your whole being with a sense of power and determination.

Speaker 1:

And imagine this golden light. It's like a dial that you can dial in and it goes from one to five. Feel that golden light at one, breathe in. This is your power. Right at this moment, you are at a one and now, as you breathe in, let that golden light become brighter and stronger and brighter and glowing all around you. And take it to a number two. See how it's making you feel even more powerful. That dial is going up to a number two. And then another deep breath in and now dial it to a three. You are amazing. You are so powerful and as you're thinking of that three.

Speaker 1:

I want you to think of these affirmations. Just say these words in your heart I am strong, I am capable, I am worthy of respect and love. I am in control. I am a beacon of light and positivity. Deep breath in. Take the dial up to a four. The bright light is so strong that you can't even directly look at it. It is so strong. This is your powerful energy, your golden energy. I am open, I am resilient. I can overcome any challenge. I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment. I am alive. I am resilient. I can overcome any challenge. I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment. I am alive, I am awake, I am serene, I am strength, I am powerful. I am strong, I am pure. I am the light, I am the source energy. I am limitless.

Speaker 1:

Dialing it up to a five, all the way up, all the way up to a five. You are so powerful. You can do anything you put your mind to. You can achieve anything. There is no fear, there is no worry, no anxiety. Nothing can hold you back. What others think of you does not matter. What you think of yourself matters. Step into that golden light. It's like a big bubble around you. Just step into it. Feel it all around you.

Speaker 1:

I am power. I am evolving, I am in flow. I am the master of my soul. I am the captain of my ship. I am enough. I am more than enough. I am the captain of my ship. I am enough. I am more than enough. I am everything. I am love. I am loved. I am worthy, I am blessed. I am fearless. I am glorious. I am committed, I am dynamic, I am focused, I am expressive. I am the I I choose to be. I am energetic. I am the sky, I am the sun. I am sexy. I am the divine feminine. I am beautiful. I am joyful. I am a magnet attracting all the joy and the happiness and the power towards me. I am grateful. I am enough. I am enough. I am me. I am all the me I can ever be. I am here. I am the most powerful emotional, divine being Stepping into your feminine energy, because your feminine energy is the most powerful energy that this world can ever have.

Speaker 1:

You are a gift to everyone around you. Allow these affirmations to fill you with a sense of unshakable self-belief. Feel the collected energy of the generations of strong women that we come from your grandmothers, your great grandmothers. Just imagine stepping into that powerful, divine feminine energy. This world needs our feminine energy. This world needs us with another deep breath and taking all that golden, powerful light that you see around you. Take it all in and be grateful. Be grateful for this moment, taking your sexual energy, your sensual energy, because you're so powerful.

Speaker 1:

When you are in that sexual energy, because you are the Creator, the reason you are the only one who can give birth you, the woman, you are the divine, the Creator, the Brahma, vishnu, mahesh, all come through you. They are in you. Feel that power, that creative power. Feel that moment when you gave birth, how powerful you were, how powerful your body is, that you can create life and you can create anything that you want to create. Feel the energy of the sun above you and the sunflowers around you supporting you, holding you, basking in your power, because you are the center of this powerful energy. Take a few more deep breaths, feeling the warmth of the sun and this new strong power that you feel inside you. And this new strong power that you feel inside you in every pore of your body. It's radiating through you when you are powerful, when you show up authentically, when you show up with all your gifts and you share them. You also teach your child that what happens when a woman steps into her power? She can take on this world, but she can also spread so much love. She can be powerful and giving and loving all at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Another deep breath in. There is nothing that can hold you back. There is no one that can hold you back. What others think of you does not matter. What you think of yourself matters. You are enough enough. You are worthy. You are worthy because you are. You went through so many challenges and look at you. You're still here, strong and powerful. You've taken on so many storms, you've been through so much pain, but you still stand strong, holding everyone around you, adding joy to everyone's life. You deserve that joy as well.

Speaker 1:

Stay in the moment, take it all in, stand in the glory of your own bright light and let it shine on others as well, because when a woman stands in her power, she takes everyone along with her. She doesn't compete. She holds others hands and lifts them with her as she lifts herself. Few more deep, nourishing breaths and feeling that power that radiates within you, and then gently bring your awareness back to your room, coming back to the present moment, feeling grounded and centered, bringing your awareness back to your body, wiggling your fingers and your toes. Just a little bit of movement, whatever feels right, and whenever you're ready, you can slowly open your eyes, carrying with you the strength and energy that you just cultivated, ready to Ready to step into your daily life, embracing your power and shining brightly like the sun that you are.

Speaker 1:

And now, after this visualization, do you can step into this powerful version of you whenever you desire. You don't have to live with those ifs and whens and the doubts and the self-criticism or self-judgment. You don't have to feel I am not good enough, I am not worthy, I can't do this. Are people judging me? You don't have to deal with those thoughts anymore. How you feel right now is totally in your hands. It's a tool in your back pocket and you can feel like this whenever you want. Just put your headphones on, come back and listen to this. What you just visualized, that person standing in that sunflower field, is you. It is you today, just amplified, amplifying all the qualities you already have in you. But you have been doubting them. And you don't have to wait a year, two years, five years. You can step into this version whenever you want.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to write things down thousand times. You don't have to write those affirmations every single day thousand times. I'm not saying that doesn't work, it works as well. But imagine when you're writing those affirmations and you're just doing the mechanical thing. You're not feeling it, you're not engaging all your senses. Visualization works when we engage all our senses. What do you see, what do you hear, what do you smell, what sensations do you feel on your skin? So, while writing those affirmations down or saying them out loud works, but really feeling it and going to that place where you feel powerful has 10x, 100x more benefits. Imagine you did this every single day as you started your day or right before going to bed, and then you can spend every single day in your power. You don't have to doubt yourself and whenever those doubts come up, you channel into this energy that you feel right now, at this moment. So, my friends, I wanted to give this guided visualization as a gift every single day, before going to bed or the first thing in the morning.

Speaker 1:

Wake up, put on this podcast episode, forward it to the point where we started and listen to it. Maybe listen to it when you're in the shower. I have those waterproof speakers in my shower, so you know, get one of those on Amazon, they're really cheap. And listen to this when you are in the shower, because when the water is on your body it's flowing. It takes you to another level of visualization. Imagine just listening to this has such a big impact. And what if you attended one of my live women's circle where we do this meditation or this kind of visualization together, but we also do breath work, body movement, breath work which helps you release the stuck emotions. It helps you release all that is not serving you, and then adding that movement along with this visualization really helps you feel that.

Speaker 1:

If you think that this visualization helped you, please share it with someone who needs this. Share it on your socials. Tag me. Thank you so much for listening to this guided visualization and going on this journey with me. If you think this helped you, please send me a message on Instagram at Sunny underscore Lamba, so that I can have more of these kind of episodes in between our regular programming. And on that note, this is Sunny signing off. Until next time, keep loving yourselves and stay Flauthentic. Thank you for listening to the Flauthentic Me podcast. Did you relate to something or had an aha moment? I would love to hear your thoughts. Connect with me on Instagram at Sunny underscore Lamba. You can also sign up for our newsletter so that you can get weekly tips and tools. Until next time, keep loving yourself and stay Flauthentic.