Flawthentic ME
Flawthentic ME
067: Net-walking - Movement of the Body, Mind and Soul with Heather DeSanto
Do you feel anxious when you have to go to a networking event? Are you rehearsing your 30-sec elevator pitch in your head the whole time?
My guest, Heather DeSanto talks about:
- being open to possiblities
- Netwalking, a movement of body, mind, and soul.
- Movement as a form of self-love.
- small intentional steps towards personal growth
Heather is the creative force behind DiSH Events. With over 20 years of experience, Heather specializes in bringing people together through fun, interactive events. From workshops to retreats, and her unique networking concept called "NetWalking," she creates memorable experiences for entrepreneurs and businesses. Heather also runs the Royal Rose Gallery in Aurora, Ontario, a vibrant space for arts, culture, and learning. She's passionate about incorporating movement into daily life, believing it’s key to personal and professional growth.
You can connect with Heather here:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/heather.disanto/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-di-santo/
Royal Rose Gallery - https://royalroseart.ca/
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We are all lightworkers in our life and I think it's really the time and place for us all to really become aware of what our gifts are and how we can share them and create that ripple effect.
Speaker 2:This is Flauthentic Me a self-love podcast for South Asian women, a place where we celebrate self-love even when we feel imperfect or flawed. A safe space where you can be raw, real and authentic. And here's your host, self-love and mindset coach, sunny Lamba. Well, hello everyone, we are back and this time we have an amazing guest with you. I know it's been a couple of weeks that we haven't had a guest on the podcast, so we're coming back, and today I have an amazing, beautiful woman who has such a kind and loving heart that she puts that into her work. Such a kind and loving heart that she puts that into her work.
Speaker 2:I met Heather on one of the networking events recently and I had to ask her to come on here With me. Today's guest is Heather DeSanto. She is the creative force behind Dish Events. With over 20 years of experience, heather specializes in bringing people together through fun and interactive magical events. From workshops to retreats and her unique networking concept called Net Walking, she creates memorable experiences for entrepreneurs and businesses. Heather also runs the Royal Rose Gallery in Aurora, ontario. It's a vibrant space for arts, culture and learning. She's passionate about incorporating movement into daily life, believing that it's the key to personal and professional growth. Welcome, heather.
Speaker 1:Hi Sunny, Thank you so much for having me.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you, I am just super excited, especially about this whole networking thing. But we'll get to that in a minute. I want to ask you first so you said that you facilitate magic through your want to ask you first so you said that you facilitate magic through your events Can you tell us a moment where you felt that one of your events, you felt that real magic come alive in you?
Speaker 1:What a juicy way to start this off. I would absolutely say the retreats that I've been doing the last few years. I have a unique collaboration with a friend of mine and we do just such a beautiful day in a beautiful space where we take members or guests through a journey of their body, mind and soul. It's called All About you and it really. The one that comes to mind is the one that we just did, actually in September, and the way that I facilitated. So I brought the beginning in and we just found this beautiful and magical way of connecting without anybody knowing each other. That came to the event. It was just.
Speaker 1:I find I have a gift of just immediately bringing people to a common place and then, from that common place, they can grow and learn together. And so in this one in particular in September was all around making your mark, and so it spurred on by a book and I took everybody through this magical process of we're coming into the end of the year, at the start of the new year. How do we want in business, in life, or what I like to call our life in business, where do we want to make our mark? How do we want to create magic for other people, as I do through events and, specifically, retreats.
Speaker 2:Wow. So you said that you have a unique gift of finding a common place for people. Talking about the unique gift, let's now retreat back a little bit, because we got to know you and the audience needs to know you. So how did Heather find herself and this unique gift? Tell me a little bit about your background and this unique gift.
Speaker 1:Tell me a little bit about your background. Oh, thank you. So I spent 18 years in corporate and, like a lot of entrepreneurs do, I think we follow the grind and we do what we need to do as far as setting a foundation and whatnot. So I worked in the financial industry for 18 years. About 10 years into my journey, I applied for a job after I got married. I planned my wedding for the most part and applied for this job because it was time for a transition, and I ended up applying for this job, getting into an interview and not realizing that event planning was any component of the position, and I remember so distinctively. Yeah, it was crazy. I had no idea, so I wasn't prepared necessarily to talk about that specifically.
Speaker 1:But I remember, the two gentlemen that I was interviewing with at the time always used to tease me afterwards because they're like oh yeah, we talked about like the mundane things about the position, but then, as soon as we talked about having to create events for our clients, you lit up like a Christmas tree and that's how we knew that you needed to be hired. And so I found myself and took that job. A month later, I was in Miami at Emeril Lagasse's restaurant and tasting amazing food and all of this stuff, and I thought to myself have I really hit the jackpot from an event perspective? Have I really, like hit the jackpot from the perspective through the journey, through corporate? I spent myself a lot of time doing events for clients, but also for staff and things, and I just always found myself getting a lot of compliments on how I've structured the event. I think it's really important to make events about meeting new people, finding commonalities and getting to know people differently than just what they do for a living, and so that has always streamlined through my life. And anyways, at about year 17, I thought, okay, corporate's not filling my bucket. I ended up in a position that had taken me away from event planning.
Speaker 1:So back in 2014,. I kind of put it into what I now call the universe and said like I need to get closer to home and back in events. And so then I took a year. I did running events across Canada, executed 22 events in five months. I still think about that, and I not solely myself with a team, of course, but just the ability to sustain energy for that period of time was crucial. And so doing those events that ended.
Speaker 1:And then at that time it was like this junction of like do I go back to corporate, where it's safe and security and all the things, or do I venture out into entrepreneurialism, which is something that, deep in my heart, I always knew was what was right for me? And so then I took a number of different journeys. I had my own event space prior to the pandemic, and then that's led me to where I am now. I do want to clarify, just for those that are listening I don't actually own the gallery that I work my business out of. Somebody else does. We just celebrated our third. They celebrated their third anniversary, but again, just as beautiful things happen, it is a gallery and so art is at the forefront, but the owner was looking to bring events because it's such a unique space, and I was looking for a new space to call home, without any of the overhead, and so it just became this beautiful collaboration of supporting the arts and culture, but also intertwining through events, collaborations, learning, growth and all the other things that light me up.
Speaker 2:The first thing that comes to my mind is being in Florida and tasting this wonderful, amazing food, because I am a big foodie, I love trying new cuisines, new restaurants and especially I love a plate that has beauty on it, like it's art literally art on a plate. I love that. In my career I have done event planning for government. So I used to work for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and I used to plan all their events. So I've done event planning a lot and I know how wonderful it is to taste food in nice hotels and restaurants.
Speaker 1:It really is a perk. I'm not going to lie. I think one of my fondest memories is I got to go on what's called a fam tour, so it's a familiarization tour to Chicago, All expenses paid, and I got, and similarly got just the taste of and it's an interesting thought around why they do these familiarization tours. At the time I was about to leave that position, but because of that trip to Chicago, I had recommended one of the locations that I went to visit, which they ended up using the next year for their conference, and so it's it is important to do those types of things to again connect. You never know when business is going to come to you, and if you give people the opportunity to meet and see what you have to offer, it could bring beautiful things yeah.
Speaker 2:I love how your passion found you, but you were also open. Yes, so you know, as you explained that interview, and they told you that you lit up. So sometimes you know the door, some, you know your passion or whatever is knocking on your door, but you don't realize it, you don't, you're not open. So it's so wonderful that you were open and you jumped head in and when you were tasting this food, you're like, yes, this is it, this is I have hit the jackpot.
Speaker 2:A lot of my clients in coaching who are in business themselves, they're solopreneurs, new entrepreneurs, and they find networking really, really tough. So I'll give you an example. A month back and this applied to me a few years back, by the way I started my journey of coaching with network marketing and I would go to these events and I would literally take a book with me and not talk to people. A month back, I was at an event and, oh gosh, who was the speaker? Anyways, there was a really good speaker and I happened to meet one of my clients there. She was attending the event and we just happened to find out because I posted in my stories and she's like oh, I'm here too. So we ended up meeting and I said do you want to go for lunch? Now I went to the event, not from networking perspective, because it was some other network marketing company's event and I was invited.
Speaker 2:So my goal was not to network because they were all. My goal was to just listen to this one speaker. I went for him. So, long story short, we went for lunch and I said, well, don't you have to network because this is your business. And she's like, oh gosh, I was hiding in a corner with my book and I'm so glad you're here and I said, oh my gosh. So she was my client. I didn't want to get into that coaching mode at that time. But this brings me to what you said. You hate those speed networking kind of things and that's why you came up with this unique concept net walking. Tell me about that, oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:So, again, I will clarify, just because it's not a unique to me concept. I am so very grateful and this is really what ties it into why I'm so passionate about it. It is happening all over the world. Just not enough people are doing it. So I've connected with somebody through LinkedIn. Not enough people are doing it, so I've connected with somebody through LinkedIn. Somebody does it in Singapore, how I originally, so I'll share with you what. So in 2017, I was looking for different types of events again to bring people together and get to know people. I love to walk. It's one of my favorite things to do post running. I used to run decided, and I love to talk. I love to meet people, I love to just share a conversation and learning and whatnot. So I was like one day, I was like, oh, and I thought of this word called networking. Well, sure enough, what do you do when you think of a concept you make?
Speaker 2:sure that nobody else has it, and so you go and you Google it.
Speaker 1:And sure enough this networking existed and so I took that step. But I reached out to the woman. She's in Washington and her and I had a lovely conversation and she said to me at the time she's like I do this and she did it in a similar way, but she's like I just want other people to do it. She's like you should go trade market in Canada and she's like go, go do it.
Speaker 1:And so as a people pleaser, I kind of needed that permission right At the time back in 2017, I'm like oh, I'm not stealing your idea and we can all grow this movement together, and so that's what I did. And back in having my space, I created this and the reason why, and so it is a combination. So it's networking and walking, and the reason why, and so it is a combination. So it's networking and walking. What I? I don't like using the word hate. I say this to my boys all the time. It's such a strong word, but I really have a visceral. I do it. So I should say I do it, although I have a visceral disconnect with standing the 30 seconds, like you know, when they're like oh well, if you saw the most important person in the world in the elevator, what would you say for them? For 30 seconds, I'm like I wouldn't tell them what I do, that's not what I would do.
Speaker 1:But anyways, this networking concept is and it brings all these things in you get to know people differently than you would in that 30 seconds.
Speaker 1:Because if I think about your client in that situation, if you're in a room of, say, 20 people and you know you need to do your 30 seconds and you're maybe the 15th person that's going to talk, you're going to listen to the first. You're not going to listen to the first 14 because you're thinking about what's going to come out of your mouth when you're the 15th person to speak, and then that doesn't serve anybody. You're not serving the people that you're with because you're not listening to what they're saying, you're not actually learning about them, and then when it gets to you, you may not have something prepared or all that stuff, and so I just think there's a bit of a disconnect. So with networking, you get to know what people do, but I think just differently, because there's different aspects to it and you get to know people, like who they are, which then translates into why they do what they do, and then I think that's when the referrals come, is when I really get to know somebody more than just their 30 seconds of what they do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and I believe it creates more authentic connections as well, because it's happening organically and you're not like prepared speech, 30 seconds, but it's more organic connection. I love, love, love the concept. And so this is you have the network and then you're walking and then you have nature. There's the third component there. So we have the networking, which is, you know, your business, growth and referrals and everything. You have movement and then the nature. I am loving this concept.
Speaker 2:You mentioned that in your when I saw the form that you filled. You mentioned that movement is a form of self-love and I totally agree with you. Now I know my husband is an avid listener and he's going to be listening. I cannot lie, but I do enjoy walking. Even though he won't agree with that, I love my walks. I love, love, love my morning walks alone. It's just that when he comes home in the evening and says let's go for a walk, and it's like this pressure on me and I'm like right now I'm in the midst of this, this, this, but I love my morning walks, I love you if you're listening. But so you said movement is a form of self-love. What role has movement played in your personal journey? You said you love walking. How do you incorporate it into your daily routine?
Speaker 1:So it started really back in 2020 when I wasn't able to connect with people. It was one of those things. So there was a disconnect and I also found we were all sitting at the time. Right, there is a place for Zoom. We're on it. Right now, there is a definite place for it.
Speaker 1:However, when it comes to dementia, it comes to overall health, all of these things, sitting is a silent killer and I found myself immediately immersed. I was trying to do events. I was trying to do all this stuff in an environment where I wasn't feeling natural, so your guests probably won't see I'm actually standing right now because movement I talk a lot with my hands. I energetically movement helps me get what's up here out of here in my head, out of my mouth, and so, whether that's I like on connection calls, or whether that's just getting to know, like friends that don't live in the area, that can't necessarily connect with me personally, we'll jump on and both of us will go for a walk, and so that started in 2020. So I would do that, but I would also. I created this and I didn't really latch onto it, but it was like a hashtag. It was like walk 5k every day and literally 2020 and 2021, I walked five kilometers every day and it is one of my biggest ahas in that time because I think it really did help me many ways, but it didn't serve my mental health, which then from a self-love and self-worth and all that stuff. So that movement, I like to think of it, whether it's networking or other things that we do from an events perspective. It's moving your body, mind and soul and I think walking is just a beautiful way to do it, like we and I will also say, because this always comes to reference, when I talk about walking, I don't want to assume that everybody literally can walk.
Speaker 1:I was on a call recently with somebody who, as I was talking about and passionate about all the walking, they're in a wheelchair and it doesn't mean so. It's a, the name is networking, but it doesn't mean that I can't go for a walk with somebody that has, like, can't walk themselves. How do we figure it out so it becomes accessible? A lot of our paths are long enough so that wheelchairs and whatnot. The networking in the movement is more about the connection and the movement moving yourself forward physically. Connection and the movement moving yourself forward physically, but also you move when you get to know somebody, you learn things through conversation and things like that. So it's a very long journey.
Speaker 1:And so now, in 2024, I realized that 5k is a big chunk out of the day. It takes me about an hour, so I switched it to one to 12k a day. So 12 is like on a Sunday, when I've got extra time, I can take that longer and 12 is my magic number. So it made sense. But even if it's just one kilometer, it's that, like you said before, getting out, feeling the wind on your face, and if it's cold, like the best thing. I love a winter walk, when it's snowing, even better. Right, because you're feeling it.
Speaker 2:You're feeling all the things I was gonna say. You lost me there. You totally lost me there my listeners know. I am a summer person. I love my summer, even fall. I'm not a winter person. So that's where you lost me. Not that I will not have movement still, but am I going to go out for a walk? Maybe one of your events can motivate me. I am doubtful, though.
Speaker 1:So I'm curious though, then because you said you walk in the morning, do you then find a place to do it indoors? Because that's the alternative right, Go to your local track or something like that, so you're still getting the movement, but you're not necessarily going outside.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I do yoga three times a week at home and I do my weight strength training, so I'm moving every day. Yes, I'm not walking outdoors, but then in winters it's like you know well, it's not a track, but maybe sometimes on a weekend me and my husband would go to a mall and just walk or somewhere indoors. But I have movement every day in my life, unfortunately just not outdoors.
Speaker 1:You know what? I have a beautiful friend and I will steal what she says. It's you, do you, as long as you're being mindful about it. I think that's really the key, right. It's you're mindful, and what is it for you that gets movement in your day? It could be like I shared something a few weeks ago A gentleman. He literally moves his arm. It's a Kundalini thing.
Speaker 2:I think or whatever.
Speaker 1:Yeah Right, that's movement. It's moving energy in your body. It's moving whatever, so it doesn't matter. My preference is walking whatever. So, like it doesn't matter, my preference is walking. But like, seriously, if, if you're not doing it, this is maybe that planting seed for you to think about what it is for you that can make you want to move, because you need to want to do something, to make the choice to do it exactly.
Speaker 2:In fact, it's funny because from last couple years, when I walk in the morning, I always do my Instagram stories. And from last couple years around November, I said in the morning I always do my Instagram stories. And from last couple years around November, I said, okay, I promise I'll be out at least until minus 10. And the moment it hits plus five, I'm like I'm out, I'm not walking outdoors anymore, I'm gonna be moving still, but inside my house I'll do my yoga, I'll do my somatic movements, I'll do my weights. I have a whole gym set up in the house. I do my strength training in the house. So I'm still moving. But no, I think I tried. But okay, plus five is my limit.
Speaker 1:Fair enough.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we digressed because of me hating winters or, as you said, hate is a strong word, but me just not enjoying winters as much as I should try to. I love the concept of networking and I love everything about it. Tell me, like, how often do you do these and what other events? Because you have this beautiful gallery. You mentioned that you have collaboration with them what other events that you do?
Speaker 1:So we are in the midst of. So this is a relatively new collaboration with myself and the Royal Rose Gallery. So we right now are looking for and have collaborators that want to, so want to get what they do out in the world and creating. We're building community together, and so what this looks like is so my journey again, spiritual or otherwise. I've learned so many things about myself through different people, people's modalities that they do so, for example, akashic Records, human design, somatic movement, breathwork, things like this.
Speaker 1:I went through a period in my life where I like I need to learn it all and share it all through events, and then I got I very much almost smacked me in the face one day is like no, no, your gift is to help people through the events that you do, share other people's joy, passions, abilities and then share it through events to other people. So, as examples of that coming up in October, I've met a woman. She actually drummed at one of our events, our retreats, a couple of years ago. She's hosting a drumming event and so again, so she's the collaborator with me in the space and she invites her community, I invite my community, and if you've never drum doing a, it's called the Power of Play Sunday and it's a Sunday event in the afternoon. I'm going to use a tool that I use in my business to shift perspectives about what do we think of as adults and women when we hear the word play.
Speaker 1:I know I have a hard time playing. I have two older sons now but when they were little it was like a weird thing and I know that's connected to your inner child and et cetera, et cetera. I've connected with a friend of mine that I've had for years. That's what she does in her business. She goes to corporate and she does a play afternoon, and so we've incorporated and this collaboration is meant for whoever is available at day is interested in connecting, finding community.
Speaker 1:Come to the Royal Rose Gallery and you're going to have an awesome day, and then that, hopefully, what's going to happen is, as this ripple effect happens, then it will translate to day retreats, corporates coming in and experiencing this through us at the Royal Rose Gallery, and then, after the fact, if one of those people that attend that event they want to create a collaboration and do it somewhere else, then there's that opportunity. So it's really about events, but really around arts, culture, learning and entertainment, we do things. Let's see, october 26th we're having a magic show, so it very much varies on what that looks like, but it's all really intended to help people move themselves forward and really connect and be in community.
Speaker 2:Yeah, as I'm listening to you, I heard the word collaboration at least more than 10 times. Yeah, and my thought was that what a beautiful space it is when you have collaboration as one of your key values. Yeah, and, as you mentioned, your unique gift is finding that common place for people, and you are doing that and I, just when I see women who have found their passion, their purpose, and they're like, fully in it and they're like this is it. This is what I want to do. I really truly believe in collaboration over competition. No one is competing against each other. There's so much abundance in the universe. There's room for each and every one of us to grow and I love how you're helping women who have their own unique gifts and you're helping them bring that to the world and celebrate it and share it with the world. Love it.
Speaker 2:I'm big on inner child play and play. My clients know that. I'm always like how did you play this week? So I'm really big on that. And somatic movement is another thing that I do. Personally, I am a breathwork coach as well, so there's like that breathwork. Every word you said was like oh my gosh, I gotta be one in one of these events with you. I am loving it, thank you. So, before I move on, let's say someone is listening right now and thinking that, oh yeah, I have this little small passion or I have this little business, but they're feeling stuck and I heard you say the word moving forward. Help you move forward, help you move forward. What would you say to them? How can they move forward?
Speaker 1:Trust themselves, and I say that from an intuition perspective. My favorite thing to share, that from an intuition perspective, I my favorite thing to share, what I was sharing about my decision to explore leaving corporate and whatnot. At that time I had never, like legit, heard of the word manifestation and it was a foreign word to me. I never used it, didn't, wasn't, wasn't on my radar at all. As I've traveled through my journey, what I've learned is that manifestation isn't just like you ask for it and you receive it. It is the asking for it, what you want, but taking the steps forward to make that dream, that passion, that manifestation come to fruition. I almost made up and I still might someday, and so I've just you get to hear it today, sunny, for the first time. The golden yes station. What yes station? So it's the act of saying yes to yourself in order to manifest what you want to bring to life. Right, yeah?
Speaker 2:Sorry, so I'm very excited about it. So yeah, you've got to patent that. That first google it. No one else has come up with it nope, nobody has.
Speaker 1:It's a thing. But anyways, that's for another day. But really that's what it is. It's taking the small steps, and so another way I can describe it is earlier this year, I had an opportunity to jump on somebody else else's bucket list item and I went to Peru and I hiked the Inca Trail to see Machu Picchu and in that decision process, it took me four months to say yes to going. You had the self-doubt, you had all of these things. Who's going to miss me? I'm a mom, I'm a wife, I'm a this, I'm a that. So it was all of these stepping stones to saying yes, that when I actually did it and had the experience, it's literally.
Speaker 1:That is like the biggest metaphor for anybody that feels stuck. It's like what is that? One small steps that you can take to move yourself forward. It might simply be so.
Speaker 1:If somebody's listening and, like you, say they have this passion that they want to get in, who is it that can help them move that forward as well? Because it's an entrepreneurial ship all of us that are in it. It's very lonely. You need to find your supporters and your people that will help you, and so if it's reaching out to me and saying I have this idea, I don't know how to bring it to fruition. Well, let's chat and see if it sees itself in the form of an event or if it's just simply. I can encourage you to talk about it a little bit more, or what that is. It's really find your people that will encourage you, or if you have the ability to have the internal strength to move yourself forward. It's really that one small step, like to the point where, like I literally got a tattoo like it says I can do hard things one step at a time.
Speaker 2:My favorite affirmation is I can do hard things. I haven't added one step at a time, I will now, but that's my favorite affirmation I can do hard things Every day in the shower. I'm like I can do hard things. I can do hard things Every day in the shower. I'm like I can do hard things. I can do hard things and I'll hear you. This is what I also always tell my clients. You have this big idea and that's amazing because we have huge, especially creative people, intuitive people. We come up with big ideas, but then we overwhelm ourselves by the vastness of this idea. But then that one question what is that one small step that will help you move forward? One step next, next, one small step. Yes, I love it, love it, love it, and I love that tattoo. Oh gosh, that's amazing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. Some people would say I'm turning 50 at the end of the month and some people would say I'm going through a midlife crisis, and I like to call it a midlife revival. I've got two tattoos in one year and just making that creating boundaries. You're big on the self-love. Like this is creating boundaries for yourself, and which also tends to go back to what you were saying before Don't say yes to the things that you don't want to say yes to just because you think you're pleasing somebody else Right. Things that you don't want to say yes to just because you think you're pleasing somebody else right. So that one step isn't necessarily to do things that are out of your comfort well, no, I'm not going to say out of your comfort zone because I'm all over that, but, um, it is really, it's.
Speaker 2:It's taking that one step and so yeah, yeah, like it's out of your comfort zone to please someone. Yes, step out of your comfort zone, but not to please others for yourself. So I think that's what it is. I love everything that you said. Usually, near the end of our conversation, I do a rapid fire round. Okay, I throw that curveball at everyone. I don't tell you in advance, because then it's more fun. So are you ready?
Speaker 1:I am ready.
Speaker 2:Okay, favorite time of the day for a walk? Morning, afternoon, evening, evening, evening oh, my favorite is morning. Okay, what's your go-to snack after a long walk? Oh, yogurt and granola what's the one place that you would your one dream place, that you would love to host a network anywhere in the world?
Speaker 2:oh uh, I would like to in costa rica oh my gosh, I lived in costa rica for one year. Oh, yeah, yeah, my. I left my heart there, my body came back, my soul is still there, so that's how I feel about peru, but yes, yeah, yeah, we went to Peru also in November 2021 and again, yeah, what a beautiful place. Once you're on top of Machu Picchu, it's like this, this spiritual connection like it's. It's such a beautiful place. Yeah, a book or a podcast or a show that recently sparked your creativity.
Speaker 1:Creativity-wise, that's a tricky one because I have a lot of them that aren't necessarily from a creative standpoint. Well, actually I'll say the dot is what I was sharing at the very beginning. It is that whole making your mark, and so it's a kid's book, but it has. Really, what we did in the day of the retreat is talked about. We did a painting afterwards that related to making your mark, and so I don't consider myself an artist. I'm on that journey and so from a creative standpoint that would be. But if you want personal journey books, I got them all day long. Okay, give us one. So the one that I read at the beginning this year so two of them People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser is a great one, and I read the Slight Edge, which is really what got me into this, one step at a time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I've read the Slight Edge, but People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser. I'm going to add that to my list. Walking alone Now this is a rhetorical question because clearly you do events called networking. But if you have to choose, would you walk alone or in a group?
Speaker 1:It's about a 70-30 split to walking with other people.
Speaker 2:I do thoroughly enjoy walking by myself though, yes, and I think that's the difference. When I was talking about my husband walking by myself, though, yes, and I think it's that's the difference. When I was talking about my husband, I love, love, love walking with him, but I also love my own personal, like my time walk. So I hear you. Yeah, if you could invite any historical figure to one of your networks, who would that be?
Speaker 1:Historical figure.
Speaker 2:Oh my goodness, that was a tough, that was let's change that to any known figure it can be, yeah well then, that's easy, easy one all right, all right, all right.
Speaker 1:I'd love to have matthew mcconaughey on a walk. Wow, yeah, I've had a vision for a very long time about having him on an interview series that I do, or for a walk Again. I just think he has. He's had a couple of blips in the last couple of years that I haven't necessarily gravitated to, but in general his way of speaking and outlook on life I very much appreciate, and so I think we'd have a fantastic chat.
Speaker 1:I love it If you were a fly on the wall at your own funeral if you were a fly on the wall at your own funeral, what would you like people to say?
Speaker 2:That I made them feel seen and heard in my presence. Okay, last question, and this is a question I ask everyone the name of the podcast is Flawthentic Me, so fill in the blanks.
Speaker 1:I am flaw-thentic because I am flaw-thentic because I have an enormous amount of flaws and my strengths. I overshadow them in many ways.
Speaker 2:Love, love, love it. All right, so we're love it. All right, so we're going to end. Can you please tell our audience what's the you already told us about? October event that's coming up November event, what else is happening and how can they find you?
Speaker 1:I think, the two easiest ways, because we are going to be honestly doing events all of the time through the collaborations and whatnot. Going to be on honestly doing events all of the time through the collaborations and whatnot. And if you want to learn more about me or connect with me LinkedIn, for sure, so it's Heather DeSanto, d I space, s A N T? O, and then on to connect with me from a Royal Rose and dish events perspective, reach out to us on Instagram, so it's Royal Rose Gallery or HD Santo all one word underscore dish events, because those are the two platforms I am on, facebook and on all the other things, but I think those are the two best places to see what's really happening in my world, how you can connect with me, how we can have a similar type conversation through something that I do. Yeah, it's really all about connecting and then seeing where it takes us from there.
Speaker 2:I will have all those links in the show notes and also when I share on my Instagram, I will have those links for all of you. 30 seconds for your words of wisdom at the end.
Speaker 1:Okay, I've been saying that a lot lately, though my words of wisdom, I would really say so. This is something that came to me earlier this week in a conversation with somebody around the fact that I have been told for several years that I'm a light worker and I think we all are because I was really bumping against. What does that mean, like why do you keep? Why does that keep coming to me and coming to me, and what I think I realized what that looks like. What that means is I provide lightness within the work and the events that I do. There's always a level of levity, but how I would give that from a wisdom to other people.
Speaker 1:We are all lightworkers in our life and I think it's really the time and place for us all to really become aware of what our gifts are and how we can share them and create that ripple effect. There's a lot of really crappy things that are going on in the world and I think that not to dismiss them by any stretch of the imagination, but we all have the ability to bring our own lightness into the world, and I think the idea of everybody bringing lightness into the world may then create an overall lightness, and perhaps my wish is that miracles will start to happen and we all really do genuinely love each other and there isn't all the other negativity that's going on in the world.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, and I I truly believe that deep down, we all are good people. Yeah, so I love that message that you shared and, with all that amazing wisdom, I want to say thank you for bringing the lightness into this podcast. I can't wait for it to come out. Thank you so much for your time.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much for having me.
Speaker 2:It was just such a pleasure and I'm just very grateful for the opportunity Me too, and I'm so grateful I got to meet you and, on that note, this is Sunny and Heather signing out. Until next time, keep loving yourselves. And the Flauthentic Me podcast. Did you relate to something or had an aha moment? I would love to hear your thoughts. Connect with me on Instagram at Sunny underscore Lamba. You can also sign up for our newsletter so that you can get weekly tips and tools. Until next time, keep loving yourself and stay Flauthentic.